Nov 5, 2008

Twitter Opinion Poll

I smiled upon hearing when my sister in US told me what my nephew said to her when he woke up. Guess what? He said it's voting day for Obama. He's just started schooling by the way.

I read in news that kids from many elementary schools in US are allowed to cast their votes in mock election and Obama won landslide victory. :)

Technology has changed and make voting process not only for the adults also for the kids. And it's not limited to Americans. Online citizens took part and voted who their favourite US president candidate is on twitter.

I voted for Obama in Twitter Opinion-Poll. Take a look at how much Internet users favor Obama to become the president of United States.

You may visit to the following twitter site to cast your vote if you wish to.

For those who wanna follow US election news, follow twitter updates from the link below. It keeps on refreshing very quickly.

FYI, my twitter account is at

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